Історичні уроки Версаля: спроби переосмислення
Ключові слова:
Версальська система, міжнародні відносини, Перша світова війна
У статті йдеться про висновки українських та зарубіжних дослідників щодо наслідків функціонування Версальської системи у системі світових та європейських міжнародних відносин. Здійснено спробу узагальнити популярні в сучасній історичній науці підходи до визначення уроків Версалю
та їх переосмислення.
1. Spielvogel, J. J. (1997). Western Civilization. [Spielvogel J. J. Western Civilization]. Vol. 2. Since 1600. 3rd ed-n. Minneapolis et al.
2. Ferenbax O. (2001). Krax i vozrozhdenie Germanyi. Vzglyad na evropejskuyu istoryju XX veka [Fehrenbach O. The collapse and the revival of Germany. A view at the European history of the twentieth century]. Moskov [in Russian].
3. Parneta, O. (2013). Polshcha: mizhnarodni vidnosyny u dobu vidrodzhennia (1918–1923). [Parneta O/ Poland: International Relations in the Period of Revival (1918–1923)]. Ukraina-Yevropa-Svit. Mizhnarodnyi zbirnyk naukovykh prats. Seriia: Istoriia, mizhnarodni vidnosyny – International collection of scientific works. Series: History, International Relations. (11), 329–334. URL: http://nbuv.gov.ua/UJRN/Ues_2013_11_36
4. A History of the Peace Conference of Paris. in 6 vol. / ed. by H. V. Temperley. – [A History of the Peace Conference of Paris]. London: Oxford University Press, Hodder & Stoughton, 1920–1924.
5. Semeniak, K. (2015). Brytanska istorychna nauka pro formuvannia yevropeiskoi systemy bezpeky ta rol Velykoi Brytanii u tsomu protsesi u 1920–1930 rr. [Semeniak K. British Historical Study on the formation of the European Security and Great Britain’s role in this Process in the 20–30s of the 20th century]. Visnyk Kyivskoho universytetu imeni Tarasa Shevchenka. Seriia: Istoriia – Bulletin of the Taras Shevchenko University of Kyiv. Series: History. (126), 49–53. [in Ukraine].
6. Keyns, Dzh. M. (2002) Obschaya teoriya zanyatosti, protsenta i deneg. [Keynes J.M. The General Theory of Employment, Interest and Money]. Moskov: Gelios ARV, [in Russian].
7. Kissinger, H. Obama is like chess player. [Kissinger H. Obama is like chess player]. Der Spiegel. 2009. 07 Jun. P. 1–2.
8. Kissindzher G. (2015) Mirovoy poryadok. [Kissinger H. World Oder]. Moskov [in Russian].
9. Burunov, O. O. (2015). Prorakhunky Versalsko-Vashynhtonskoi systemy mizhnarodnykh vidnosyn v otsinkakh H. A. Kissindzhera. [The Miscalculations of
Versailles-Washington System of International Relatoinship in the Estimates of H.A. Kissinger]. Zapysky istorychnoho fakultetu – Notes of the Faculty of History.
(26), 155–163.
10. Kissindzher, G. (1997). Diplomatiya. [Kissinger H. Diplomacy]. Moskov: Ladomir [in Russian].
11. Gerhard, L. (1994). Weinberg. A World at Arms: A Global History of World War II. [Gerhard L. Weinberg. A World at Arms: A Global History of World War II]. New York: Cambridge University Press.
12. Magdeev, I. (2010). Mezhgosudarstvennaya kommunikatsiya i "dilemma bezopasnosti" na etape stanovleniya Versalskoy sistemyi mezhdunarodnyih otnosheniy v nachale 1920-h gg. [Magdeev I. Interstate communication and the “security dilemma” at the stage of the formation Versailles international relations system in the early 1920s]. Istoricheskie zapiski: Mezhdunarodnyiy sbornik nauchnyih trudov. A. V. Pervushkina (Ed.). (14), 234–250. Penza [in Russian].
13. Alan Sharp. (2018). Versailles 1919: A Centennial Perspective. [Alan Sharp. Versailles 1919: A Centennial Perspective]. Haus Publishing.
2. Ferenbax O. (2001). Krax i vozrozhdenie Germanyi. Vzglyad na evropejskuyu istoryju XX veka [Fehrenbach O. The collapse and the revival of Germany. A view at the European history of the twentieth century]. Moskov [in Russian].
3. Parneta, O. (2013). Polshcha: mizhnarodni vidnosyny u dobu vidrodzhennia (1918–1923). [Parneta O/ Poland: International Relations in the Period of Revival (1918–1923)]. Ukraina-Yevropa-Svit. Mizhnarodnyi zbirnyk naukovykh prats. Seriia: Istoriia, mizhnarodni vidnosyny – International collection of scientific works. Series: History, International Relations. (11), 329–334. URL: http://nbuv.gov.ua/UJRN/Ues_2013_11_36
4. A History of the Peace Conference of Paris. in 6 vol. / ed. by H. V. Temperley. – [A History of the Peace Conference of Paris]. London: Oxford University Press, Hodder & Stoughton, 1920–1924.
5. Semeniak, K. (2015). Brytanska istorychna nauka pro formuvannia yevropeiskoi systemy bezpeky ta rol Velykoi Brytanii u tsomu protsesi u 1920–1930 rr. [Semeniak K. British Historical Study on the formation of the European Security and Great Britain’s role in this Process in the 20–30s of the 20th century]. Visnyk Kyivskoho universytetu imeni Tarasa Shevchenka. Seriia: Istoriia – Bulletin of the Taras Shevchenko University of Kyiv. Series: History. (126), 49–53. [in Ukraine].
6. Keyns, Dzh. M. (2002) Obschaya teoriya zanyatosti, protsenta i deneg. [Keynes J.M. The General Theory of Employment, Interest and Money]. Moskov: Gelios ARV, [in Russian].
7. Kissinger, H. Obama is like chess player. [Kissinger H. Obama is like chess player]. Der Spiegel. 2009. 07 Jun. P. 1–2.
8. Kissindzher G. (2015) Mirovoy poryadok. [Kissinger H. World Oder]. Moskov [in Russian].
9. Burunov, O. O. (2015). Prorakhunky Versalsko-Vashynhtonskoi systemy mizhnarodnykh vidnosyn v otsinkakh H. A. Kissindzhera. [The Miscalculations of
Versailles-Washington System of International Relatoinship in the Estimates of H.A. Kissinger]. Zapysky istorychnoho fakultetu – Notes of the Faculty of History.
(26), 155–163.
10. Kissindzher, G. (1997). Diplomatiya. [Kissinger H. Diplomacy]. Moskov: Ladomir [in Russian].
11. Gerhard, L. (1994). Weinberg. A World at Arms: A Global History of World War II. [Gerhard L. Weinberg. A World at Arms: A Global History of World War II]. New York: Cambridge University Press.
12. Magdeev, I. (2010). Mezhgosudarstvennaya kommunikatsiya i "dilemma bezopasnosti" na etape stanovleniya Versalskoy sistemyi mezhdunarodnyih otnosheniy v nachale 1920-h gg. [Magdeev I. Interstate communication and the “security dilemma” at the stage of the formation Versailles international relations system in the early 1920s]. Istoricheskie zapiski: Mezhdunarodnyiy sbornik nauchnyih trudov. A. V. Pervushkina (Ed.). (14), 234–250. Penza [in Russian].
13. Alan Sharp. (2018). Versailles 1919: A Centennial Perspective. [Alan Sharp. Versailles 1919: A Centennial Perspective]. Haus Publishing.
Переглядів анотації: 133
Як цитувати
Dudar, O. V. Історичні уроки Версаля: спроби переосмислення. Література та культура Полісся, Vol 94, no 11i, May 2019, pp 138-45, doi:10.31654/2520-6966-2019-11i-94-138-145.
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