К вопросу о реализации категории окказиональности в поэтическом тексте

  • V. A. Sydorenko


The category of criminality cannot be considered as poorly understood in modern linguistics. During the second half of the last century, works appeared that substantiated the theoretical foundations of studying these units: their features, the difference between the words of words from potential, their structural and semantic characteristics, functioning in the texts of different genres. However, it should be noted that in the last two decades the interest in such tumors has not diminished. New research is devoted to the analysis of the types of occasionalism that have not been discussed before: for example, phonetic, occasional phraseologisms, "unusual" combinations of words (syntactic level of the category of criminality). This is the kind of casual phrase that this intelligence is dedicated to. The subject of the study was the unconventional word combinations characteristic of Anna Akhmatova’s idiostyle. The analysis of these units was based on the approaches proposed by N. G. Babenko.


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Переглядів анотації: 149
Як цитувати
Sydorenko, V. A. К вопросу о реализации категории окказиональности в поэтическом тексте. Література та культура Полісся, Vol 96, no 13f, Dec. 2019, pp 169-80, doi:10.31654/2520-6966-2019-13f-96-169-180.