Огляд досліджень із всесвітньої історії на сторінках "Літератури та культури Полісся" (1990–2020 рр.)

  • P. P. Motsiiaka кандидат історичних наук, доцент кафедри всесвітньої історії та міжнародних відносин Ніжинського державного університету імені Миколи Гоголя
Ключові слова: всесвітня історія, періоди історії, міжнародні відносини


У пропонованому огляді публікацій із всесвітньої історії на сторінках "Літератури та культури Полісся" за весь період існування від 1990 р. автор робить спробу скласифікувати та згрупувати за періодами історії дослідження багатьох істориків, як українських, так і зарубіжних. Відзначено найактивніших дослідників, які підготували по декілька публікацій, а також тих авторів, які подали до друку найбільш актуальні та цікаві статті. Констатовано, що найбільше публікацій у збірнику було досліджень з періоду новітньої історії, а трохи менше – з історії нового часу. Тематика статей із всесвітньої історії була різноплановою, як і арсенал наукових методів дослідження історичних проблем.


1. Таrаn, L. V. (1995). Оb evjlucii metodologicheskih osnov frantsuzskoj, russkoj i ukrainskoj istoriografii (70-je gg. XIX – nach. 30-h gg. XX v.) [About the evolution of the methodological foundations of French, Russian and Ukrainian historiography (70s. XIX – early 30s. XX century)]. Literatura ta kul’tura Polissia –
Literature and culture of Polissya. Issue 6. 84–89 [in Russian]; (2000).Vid shkoly "Аnnaliv" dо pоsтмоdеrnіzmu [From the school "Annals" to postmodernism].
Literatura ta kul’tura Polissia – Literature and culture of Polissya. Issue 13. 178–187 [in Ukrainian].
2. Таrаn L. V. (2006).Іz francuz’kogo dosvidu patriotychnogo vyhovannia u ХІХ–ХХ st. [From the French experience of patriotic education in the XIX–XX centuries] Literatura ta kul’tura Polissia – Literature and culture of Polissya. Issue 33. 107-111 [in Ukrainian].
3. Маrtynenkо, V. V. (2005). Vplyv zovnishnih chynnykiv na stanovlennia bilorus’koji derzhavnosti v 1918 roci [The influence of external factors on the formation of Belarusian statehood in 1918]. Literatura ta kul’tura Polissia – Literature and culture of Polissya. Issue 30. 116–124 [in Ukrainian]; (2006). Progoloshennia Bilirus’koji Narodnoji Respubliky: novi istoriografichni otsinky і pidhody [Proclamation of the Belarusian People's Republic: new historiographical assessments and approaches]. Literatura ta kul’tura Polissia – Literature and culture of Polissya. Issue 32. 115–118 [in Ukrainian]; (2007). Rol’ і mistse І Vsebilorus’kogo z’jizdu v stanovlenni derzhavnosti (gruden’ 1917 – berezen’ 1918 рр. [The role and place of the First All-Belarusian Congress in the formation of statehood (December 1917 – March 1918)]. Literatura ta kul’tura Polissia – Literature and culture of Polissya. Issue 37. 176–184 [in Ukrainian]; (2009). Problema kordoniv u kontexti nalagodzhennia ukrajins’ko-bilorus’kyh vidnosyn u 1918 rotsi [The problem of borders in the context of the establishment of Ukrainian-Belarusian relations in 1918]. Literatura ta kul’tura Polissia – Literature and culture of Polissya. Issue 56. 259–266 [in Ukrainian]; (2012). Stavlennia nimets’koji okupatsijnoji administratsiji do vlsdnyh struktur Bilorus’koji Narodnoji Respubliky v 1918 r. [The attitude of the German occupation administration to the power structures of the Belarusian People's Republic in 1918]. Literatura ta kul’tura Polissia – Literature and culture of Polissya. Issue 69. 117–136 [in Ukrainian]; (2013). Suspil’no-politychni peredumovy bilorus’koji na pochatku XX st. [Socio-political preconditions of Belarusian statehood at the beginning of the XX century]. Literatura ta kul’tura Polissia – Literature and culture of Polissya. Issue 72. 160-170 [in Ukrainian].
4. Krupenko, О. V. (2006). Promyslova polityka samoderzhavstva poreformenoji Rosiji: zmist poniattia, zavdannia, sutnist’ ta naslidky [Industrial policy of the autocracy of post-reform Russia: the concept, objectives, essence and consequences]. Literatura ta kul’tura Polissia – Literature and culture of Polissya. Issue 34. 110–128 [in Ukrainian]. (2009). Okremi aspekty pryrodoohoronnoji polityky Rosji v ІІ pol. ХІХ – na poch. ХХ st. [Some aspects of Russia's environmental policy in the second half of the ХІХ – at the beginning of the XX century]. Literatura ta kul’tura Polissia – Literature and culture of Polissya. Issue 56. 193–207 [in Ukrainian]. (2010). Innovacijni procesy u promyslovij polityci Rosijs’koji imperiji na mezhi ХІХ–ХХ st.: problem ta perspektyvy [Innovative processes in the industrial policy of the Russian Empire at the turn of the XIX-XX centuries: problems and prospects]. Literatura ta kul’tura Polissia – Literature and culture of Polissya. Issue 60. 83–91 [in Ukrainian].
5. Motsiiaka, P. P. (2002). T. G. Маsaryk і ukrajins’ka revolucija. 1917–1918 rr. [T. G. Masaryk and the Ukrainian revolution. 1917-1918]. Literatura ta kul’tura Polissia – Literature and culture of Polissya. Issue 17. 175–178 [in Ukrainian]; (2002). Spogady Т.G.Маsаrykа prо pоchatok Pershoji svitovoji vijny [Memoirs of T. G. Masaryk about the beginning of the First World War]. Literatura ta kul’tura Polissia – Literature and culture of Polissya. Issue 21. 96–99 [in Ukrainian]; (2003). Dijal’nist’ Chehoslovatskoji Natsional’noji rady u 1916-1918 rr. [Activities of the Czechoslovak National Council in 1916–1918]. Literatura ta kul’tura Polissia – Literature and culture of Polissya. Issue 23. 74–77 [in Ukrainian]; (2017). Tomash Masaryk pro osoblyvosti vynyknennia Chehoslovatskoji Respubliky [Tomasz Masaryk about this the peculiarities of the Czechoslovak Republic]. Literatura ta kul’tura Polissia – Literature and culture of Polissya. Issue 87. 216–222 [in Ukrainian].
6. Samojlenko, O. G. (2015). Tsenzura jak zasib reglamentatsii istorychnyh znan’ u Rosijs’kij imperiji v ХІХ – na pochatku ХХ st. [Censorship as a means of regulating historical knowledge in the Russian Empire in the XIX – at the beginning of the XX century]. Literatura ta kul’tura Polissia – Literature and culture of Polissya. Issue 79. 55–106 [in Ukrainian].
7. Tsyrekidze, М. (2015). "Zapiska-proekt о luchshem ustrojstve Gruziji" Davida Bagrationi ["Project note about the best organization of Georgia" by David
Bagrationi]. Literatura ta kul’tura Polissia – Literature and culture of Polissya. Issue 79. 20–26 [in Russian].
8. Andreeva, S. S. (2015). Kryms’ke hanstvo jak skladovа "shidnogо pytannia" v systemі mizhnarodnyh vidnosyn Tsentral’no-Shidnoji Evropy v seredyni XVIII stolittia [Crimean Khanate as a component of the "Eastern Question" in the system of international relations of Central and Eastern Europe in the middle of the XVIII century]. Literatura ta kul’tura Polissia – Literature and culture of Polissya. Issue 79. 9–19 [in Ukrainian].
9. Burdiashvili, М. (2016). Fragmenty odnoj iz izvestnych gruzinskih famil’nyh istorij [Fragments of one of the famous Georgian family stories].
10. Bilobrovets’, О. М. (2017). Idejne ta instytucijne rozmezhuvannia pol’skogo suspil’stva pid vplyvom revolucijnyh podij 1917 r.: suspil’nyj pogliad [Ideological and institutional demarcation of Polish society under the influence of the revolutionary events of 1917: the public view]. Literatura ta kul’tura Polissia – Literature and culture of Polissya. Issue 87. 45–55 [in Ukrainian].
11. Мytsyk L. М. (2013). Soviet-British Public Relations in 1941–1945. Literatura ta kul’tura Polissia – Literature and culture of Polissya. Issue 73. 140–148; (2014). Stalinist Regime from the British Perspective: English Parliamentarians’ Reflections on the Visit to the USSR in 1945. Literatura ta kul’tura Polissia – Literature and culture of Polissya. Issue 76. 180–188; (2015). Conceptual Bases of the European Union’s Eastern Partnership policy. Literatura ta kul’tura Polissia – Literature and culture of Polissya. Issue 79. 212–221; (2016). UN peacekeeping at the present stage. Literatura ta kul’tura Polissia – Literature and culture of Polissya. Issue 81. 145–157; "Evpejskyj vybir" postkomunistychnyh krajin: chy isnuje al’ternatyva? [The "European choice" of post-communist countries: is there an alternative?]. Literatura ta kul’tura Polissia – Literature and culture of Polissya. Issue 83. 218–230 [in Ukrainian]; (2016). Derzhavotvorchi al’ternatyvy Vejmars’koji respubliky [State-building alternatives to the Weimar Republic]. Literatura ta kul’tura Polissia – Literature and culture of Polissya. Issue 85. 181–189 [in Ukrainian]; (2017). (2017). Zhinochi neuriadovi organizatsii v krajinah Evropejs’kogo Sojuzu [Women's non-governmental organizations in the countries of the European Union]. Literatura ta kul’tura Polissia – Literature and culture of Polissya. Issue 87. 175–185 [in Ukrainian]; (2017). The OSCE in the modern European security architecture system. Literatura ta kul’tura Polissia – Literature and culture of Polissya. Issue 87. 209-215; (2018). The Obama doctrine in the context of the US foreign policy
evolution. Literatura ta kul’tura Polissia – Literature and culture of Polissya. Issue 92. 314–325.
12. Davydenko, J. М. (2002). Stvorennia vijs’kovoji organizatsiji Gvardiji Ludova na terytoriji Pol’shchi v 1942–1944 rr. [Establishment of a military organization of the People's Guard in Poland in 1942–1944]. Literatura ta kul’tura Polissia – Literature and culture of Polissya. Issue 20. 225–228 [in Ukrainian]; (2003). Natsional’ni vijs’kovi organizatsiji na terytoriji Pol’shchi na pochatkovomu etapi Drugoji svitovoji vijny (1939–1940 rr.) [National military organizations in Poland at the initial stage of the Second World War (1939–1940)]. Literatura ta kul’tura Polissia – Literature and culture of Polissya. Issue 23. 91–96 [in Ukrainian]; (2005). Vijs’kovi organizatsiji pol’skogo Ruhu oporu v period 1939–1944 rr. [Military organizations of the Polish Resistance Movement in the period 1939–1944]. Literatura ta kul’tura Polissia – Literature and culture of Polissya. Issue 29. 179–185 [in Ukrainian]; (2005). Dijal’nist’ pol’skoji dyversijnoji organizatsiji "Vahliarzh" u period 1941–1942 rr. [Activities of the Polish sabotage organization "Vakhlyarzh" in the period 1941–1942]. Literatura ta kul’tura Polissia – Literature and culture of Polissya. Issue 30. 131–136 [in Ukrainian]; (2006). Istoriografichni aspekty vyvchennia genezy vijs’kovyh organizatsij Pol’skogo Ruhu oporu [Historiographical aspects of studying the genesis of military organizations of the Polish resistance movement during the Second World War]. Literatura ta kul’tura Polissia – Literature and culture of Polissya. Issue 32. 146-152 [in Ukrainian]; (2006). Do pytannia pro stvorennia vijs’kovoji pidpil’noji organizatsiji Komenda Oboruntsiv Pol’ckyhv period 1939–1943 rr. [To the question of the establishment of a military underground organization of the Command of the Polish Aborunts in the period 1939–1943]. Literatura ta kul’tura Polissia – Literature and culture of Polissya. Issue 34. 175–184 [in Ukrainian]; (2008). Dijal’nist’ pidpil’nyh vijs’kovyh organizatsij na terenah "pryjednanyh zemel’" u pochatkovyj period okupatsiji Pol’shchi (1939–1941 rr.). [Activities of underground military organizations in the "annexed lands" in the initial period of occupation of Poland (1939–1941)]. Literatura ta kul’tura Polissia – Literature and culture of Polissya. Issue 46. 184-192 [in Ukrainian]; (2011). Borot’ba totalitarnyh rezhymiv proty pol’skogo Kostiolu u 1939–1941 рр. [The struggle of totalitarian regimes against the Polish Church in 1939–1941]. Literatura ta kul’tura Polissia – Literature and culture of Polissya. Issue 62. 165-174 [in Ukrainian]; (2011 Dijal’nist’ pidpil’nyh vijs’kovyh organizatsij na terenah "pryjednanyh zemel’" u 1939–1944 рр. [Activities of Polish underground military organizations in the "Attached lands " in 1939–1944]. Literatura ta kul’tura Polissia – Literature and culture of Polissya. Issue 67. 154-164 [in Ukrainian].
13. Кuchmenkо, Е. М. (2018). Istoriografichnyj ogliad mizhkul’turnogo dialogu ta samoidentychnosti v polityci [Historiographical review of intercultural dialogue and self-identity in politics]. Literatura ta kul’tura Polissia – Literature and culture of Polissya. Issue 90. 152–162 [in Ukrainian]; (2018). Systemnyj pidhid і
"zitknennia tsivilizatsij" u mizhnarodnyh vidnosynah – іstoriosofs’kyj ogliad [System approach and "clash of civilizations" in international relations – a
historiosophical review]. Literatura ta kul’tura Polissia – Literature and culture of Polissya. Issue 92. 326–333 [in Ukrainian]; (2019). Z istoriji futurologichnyh
sociokul’turnyh ta politychnyh kontsepcij mizhnarodnyh vidnosyn [From the history of futurological socio-cultural and political concepts of international
relations]. Literatura ta kul’tura Polissia – Literature and culture of Polissya. Issue 94. 181–192 [in Ukrainian]; (2020). Transformatsiji afrykans’kogo suspil’stva v
kontexti vzajemodiji istoryko-kul’turnyh procesiv (іstorigrafichnyj ogliad) [Transformations of African society in the context of the interaction of historical and cultural processes (historiographical review)]. Literatura ta kul’tura Polissia – Literature and culture of Polissya. Issue 99. 121–132 [in Ukrainian].
14. Zaharova, О. J. (2019). Jazyk tseremonial’nogo zhesta i kostuma [Language of ceremonial gesture and dress]. Literatura ta kul’tura Polissia – Literature and culture of Polissya. Issue 97. 48–58 [in Russian]; (2019). Podarki kak vazhnaja sostavljaushchaja diplomaticheskogo protokola (SSSR 20-е – 80-е gody ХХ stoletija) [Gifts as an important component of diplomatic protocol (USSR in the 20s – 80s of the XX century)]. Literatura ta kul’tura Polissia – Literature and culture of Polissya. Issue 97. 59–84 [in Russian]; (2020). Politicheskije i protokol’nyje aspekty prebyvanija diplomaticheskogo korpusa v Moskve (ІІ polovina 30-h godov ХХ v.). Vizit I. Ribbentropa (1939 g.) [Political and protocol aspects of the stay of the diplomatic corps in Moscow (second half of the 30s of
the ХХ century). I. Ribbentrop's visit (1939)]. Literatura ta kul’tura Polissia – Literature and culture of Polissya. Issue 99. 52–65 [in Russian].
15. Маisuradze, D. (2011). Tserkov’ Gruziji v 1977–2007 gg. [Church of Georgia in 1977–2007]. Literatura ta kul’tura Polissia – Literature and culture of Polissya. Issue 65. 213–216 [in Russian].
16. Simashvili, Т. (2011). Terror v razreze istoriji [Terror in the context of history]. Literatura ta kul’tura Polissia – Literature and culture of Polissya. Issue 66. 162–175 [in Russian].
17. Аhаlmosulishvili, Т. Е. (2011). Evakuirovannaja voennaja promyshlennost’ iz Ukrainy v Gruziju v 1941–1945 gg. [The evacuated military industry from Ukraine to Georgia in 1941–1945]. Literatura ta kul’tura Polissia – Literature and culture of Polissya. Issue 66. 231-236 [in Russian].
18. Salata, О. О. (2011). Vplyv informatsijnoji polityky derzhav na sotsial’ni konflikty (nа prykladi Drugoji svitovoji vijny) [The impact of information policy on
social conflicts (on the example of the Second World War)]. Literatura ta kul’tura Polissia – Literature and culture of Polissya. Issue 66. 236-251 [in Ukrainian];
(2013). Infotmatsijno-propagandysts’ka polityka natsysts’koji Nimechchyny u pratsiah zarubizhnyh istorykiv [Information and propaganda policy of Nazi Germany in the works of foreign historians]. Literatura ta kul’tura Polissia – Literature and culture of Polissya. Issue 73. 129–139 [in Ukrainian].
19. Моtsіiaka, О. P. (2018). Dijal’nist’ Horvats’koji partiji prava do vid’izdu Ante Pavelycha v emigratsiju (1915–1929 рр.) [Activities of the Croatian Party of
Law before the departure departure of Ante Pavelic for emigration (1915–1929)]. Literatura ta kul’tura Polissia – Literature and culture of Polissya. Issue 90. 61–
69 [in Ukrainian]; (2018). Vynyknennia ustashs’ko-domobrans’kogo ruhu ta jogo programni dokumenty [The emergence of the Ustasha-Domobran movement
and its program documents]. Literatura ta kul’tura Polissia – Literature and culture of Polissya. Issue 92. 304–313 [in Ukrainian]; (2019). Organizatsija ustashiv u politytsi fashysts’koji Itaiji na Balkanah (1929–1941 рр.) [The organization of the Ustasha in the policy of fascist Italy in the Balkans (1929–1941)]. Literatura ta kul’tura Polissia – Literature and culture of Polissya. Issue 94. 146-155 [in Ukrainian]; (2018). Peredden’ ta pochatok Drugoji svitovoji vijny dlia Horatiji (1939–1941) [The eve and the beginning of Second World War for Croatia (1939–1941)]. Literatura ta kul’tura Polissia – Literature and culture of Polissya. Issue 97. 99–108 [in Ukrainian].
20. Gregory, D. Aimaro-Parmut. (2018). Genocide in A Small Space: a Comparative Case Study of Srebrenica and Koriukіvka. Literatura ta kul’tura Polissia – Literature and culture of Polissya. Issue 92. 256–264.
21. Igor, Gralczyk (2019). Umova Warszawska 1920, jako przyklad wspolpracy polsko-ukrainskej na arenie międzynarodowej [Warsav Agreement 1920, as an example of Polish-Ukrainian corporation on the international arena]. Literatura ta kul’tura Polissia –Literature and culture of Polissya. Issue 94. 120–126 [in Polish].
22. Dawid, Trela (2019). Postulowane zmiany traktatu wersalskiego zglaszane przes Niemcy, Wlochy i Węgry w latach 20 XX wieku. Przyczyny, szanse i zagroźenia [Postulated amendments to the Treaty of Versailles notified by Germaby, Italy and Hungary in the 1920s. Causes, chances and threats].
Literatura ta kul’tura Polissia – Literature and culture of Polissya. Issue 94. 127–137 [in Polish].
23. Agata, Bar. (2019). The League of Nation mandate system – success or failure ? Literatura ta kul’tura Polissia – Literature and culture of Polissya. Issue 94. 156–161.
24. Dudar, О. V. (2019). Іstorychni uroky Versalja: sproby pereosmyslennia [Historical lessons of Versailles: attempts to rethink]. Literatura ta kul’tura Polissia
– Literature and culture of Polissya. Issue 94. 138–145 [in Ukrainian].

Переглядів анотації: 108
Як цитувати
Motsiiaka, P. P. «Огляд досліджень із всесвітньої історії на сторінках "Літератури та культури Полісся" (1990–2020 рр.»). Література та культура Полісся, Vol 100, no 14i15f, Dec. 2020, pp 72-92, doi:10.31654/2520-6966-2020-14i15f-100-72-92.